Tuesday, January 26, 2010

rough night?

currently Rachael and Caroline are upstairs. Rachael is attempting to rock Caroline asleep. We're guessing her leg is bother her due to the new sounds she is making. The Dr. said we should expect some pain dues to the shots. This isn't the I'm hungry sound she normally makes. Tonight will be the first batch of the "I'm in pain" tears which I am sure we will hear more of once she starts teething. Can't wait for those....

It didn't take long for Rach to soothe her. She's amazing like that.

Tonight Rach fessed up to me and told me tht during her time off of work she has watched "Keeping up with the Kardashians" I'm not sure how I feel about it. Betrayed maybe, disgusted? yeah. I'm glad she came clean. It's tough to own up when you know you have done something horribly wrong. Rachael is making the both of us better people for coming clean with this. I won't even bring up her watching "Jersey Shore" I sometimes feel like I'm married to Tiger Woods. (that's a joke)

Caroline's 2 month Dr. visit

Caroline's 2 month Dr. visit

Two shots today,  one in each leg. She was great.  Just a minor meltdown.

Dropping Caroline off at Denise's for the first time.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

e for effort

I'm going to make a conscious effort to keep up with this blog. Who knows it may be another few years until i post another one. I feel like i owe it to my daughter to blog about what's going on in my life at the current moment so she has an idea of who i really am and what i'm all about. Maybe 10 years from now she's pissed at me because i didn't get her a robot maid for x-mas she can read back and know that i really do love her to death. Maybe 15 mins Rachael is pissed at me and she can look back and see that i really do love her to death as well. Kenzie on the other hand is a totally different story. For the first time about 60 seconds ago she barked and Caroline jumped in Rachael's arms. So she is currently sitting outside in the rain on the back stoop. She can't read so we are safe from her ever knowing what i write in this blog.

dinner was amazing tonight. Rachael made my mom's ultra amazing tilapia for dinner. then my mom called with some bad news. Uncle Dink died. We haven't seen Uncle Dink in some time, it sucks. I remember him taking me out on his horse Fat Jack. I'm pretty sure Fat Jack bucked and knocked me off at some point in my childhood but it's a good memory not a bad one. I hate seeing my family members die off.

Speaking of memebers. Uncle Bob fell at some point this week and injured himself in the area that no man should ever injure himself. It's tough to think about i cannot begin to know the pain he is going through. It's amazing what a fall within a few seconds can mess totally mess up what's going on in your life. Aside from being wounded and needing surgery, Uncle Bob and Aunt Joyce should be hanging out in Vero Beach for the next few months soaking up the rays with my Mom and John.

Rachael is sitting to my left with Caroline in her arms chatting with her Mom. I can hear Barb's voice over the phone. Can't really make out what she's saying but I'm pretty sure it's questions about Caroline. Oh look at that Rachael's hanging up with her mom. Caroline is fast asleep in her arms. She has eatin a lot today. I can hear Kenzie on the back stoop barking to come in. Guess what?? She can't read so she's gonna chill on the stoop for a bit.

I can hear Caroline breathing. It's adorable. Team Sleep is playing on the stereo. It's currently 8:40pm.

Puss is sitting on the rug near the front door. She doesn't bug us too much. She's a good kitty. A bit large now. She kinda hangs out, sleeps a lot. She's been with me through think and thin. Huh she hasn't been thin in ages.

Maureen's 50th birthday was this past week, Dad took us all out to dinner at Harry's Savoy grill. It was pretty darn awesome. Harry's is some kick ass grub. I'm kinda surprised we didn't go to Atillio's it seems to be Dad's staple joint to eat.

Saturday night we dropped Caroline off at Dad and Maureen's house so he could head to Philly and do some dinner for Dan's birthday. Todd, Miranda, Dan, Teresa, john Myers, Rachael and I hit up Memphis Taproom. It was super tasty. It's another place we can go to dinner with our Vegan friends. Those types of places are slim nowadays. goods times had by all. Dad and Merv loved hanging out with Caroline. not to shabby having babysitters who cannot wait to babysit.

Rachael is making fun of the clothes i used to wear in HS. Yeah so what i was a loser. Wait till i find some old photos of hers. She will pay.

ok so i think we are going to reside on the courch for the next few hours and watch My Bloody Valentine. the remake of course.

I love watching Rachael with Caroline. She's standing in the middle of the family room with her in her warms. Swaying back and forth. She's so in love with our little girl. how can you not be?

I really doubt anyone is going to read this anytime soon. I'm ok with that. I'm not going to push the blog on anyone but i will link to it from www.dieleuterio.com.

if you read all of this ramble, thank you. I realy mean that. It's means you care enough about me to read all the crap in my head.

More crap to come.

RIP "The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien"
