Tuesday, January 26, 2010

rough night?

currently Rachael and Caroline are upstairs. Rachael is attempting to rock Caroline asleep. We're guessing her leg is bother her due to the new sounds she is making. The Dr. said we should expect some pain dues to the shots. This isn't the I'm hungry sound she normally makes. Tonight will be the first batch of the "I'm in pain" tears which I am sure we will hear more of once she starts teething. Can't wait for those....

It didn't take long for Rach to soothe her. She's amazing like that.

Tonight Rach fessed up to me and told me tht during her time off of work she has watched "Keeping up with the Kardashians" I'm not sure how I feel about it. Betrayed maybe, disgusted? yeah. I'm glad she came clean. It's tough to own up when you know you have done something horribly wrong. Rachael is making the both of us better people for coming clean with this. I won't even bring up her watching "Jersey Shore" I sometimes feel like I'm married to Tiger Woods. (that's a joke)

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